This research area is located along the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis in the sub-Himalaya. The Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis runs through numerous areas within Mirpur district. One of the key characteristics of the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis is its antiformality. The project area is bounded to the east by the Riasi fault and to the west by the Jhelum fault, while to the south it is bounded by Salt Range Thrust. Research is being conducted in the areas of Narmah, Sahan, Pirgali, Kas Guma, Mohra Jangu, and Kalri. Fold-and-thrust belts are present in the sub-Himalayan region ofPakistan. Essentially, there are two major folds: the Sahan syncline and the Gaiyan anticline. The Sahan syncline is characterized by an open fold and a southwest orientation. In contrast, open-to-close folds in Gaiyan anticlines are oriented to the southwest. The area is characterized by five major faults: the Narmah fault, the Dhok Poran fault, the Dubal fault, the Pirgali fault, and the Jabi fault. Folds and faults in the project area are the product of NE-SW or NW-SE compaction of the Himalaya. In the research project area sedimentary rocks of Early Miocene- Recent age are located. The rocks which are exposed in the study area includes: the Early-Middle Miocene Kamlial Formation, Middle-Late Miocene Chinji Formation, Late-Miocene Nagri Formation, Late-Miocene Dhok Pathan Formation, Pliocene Soan Formation, and Quaternary Alluvium deposits. Sedimentary structures in the area consist primarily of crossed bedding and rip-ups. These structures define the facing of stratigraphic units.