“…Of these materials, polymers, which are used as elastomeric seals, structural elements and electrical insulators among other applications, are at greatest risk of deterioration from exposure to this ionizing radiation. The effects of gamma irradiation [1,2,3,4,5,6], combined gamma and thermal (0.025eV) [7,8] or fast (>1 MeV) 9 neutron irradiation, combined gamma and electron irradiation [10], electron [11], and ion irradiation [12,13,14] on a wide variety of polymers are well characterized, principally because of the ready availability of cobalt-60, nuclear reactor, and accelerator sources that can conveniently provide radiation doses up to 10 6 Gray (Gy) or more. The effects of 14 MeV neutrons alone on polymers, however, are not well characterized, because of the lack of controlled sources sufficiently intense to produce appreciable damage in an exposure period of acceptable duration.…”