experiments on β-galactosidase from Escherichia
coli that catalyzes the hydrolysis of
resorufin-β-d-galactopyranoside revealed important
observations like fluctuating catalytic rate, memory effects arising
from temporal correlations between the enzymatic turnovers and nonexponential
waiting time distributions. The root cause of the observed results
is intrinsic fluctuations among the different conformers of the active
species, during the course of the reaction, thereby imparting dynamic
disorder in the system under investigation. Originally, a multistate
stochastic kinetic theory was employed that, despite satisfying the
measured waiting time distributions and the mean waiting times at
different substrate concentrations, yields a constant estimate of
the randomness parameter. Inevitably, this manifests a strong disagreement
with the substrate-concentration-dependent time variations of the
said distribution, which at the same time misinterprets the measured
magnitudes of the randomness parameter at lower concentrations. Here,
we suggest a dual approach to the single-enzyme reaction, independently,
making important improvements over the parent study and the recently
suggested two-state stochastic analyses followed by quantitative rationalization
of the experimental data. In the first case, an off-pathway mechanism
satisfied the Michaelis–Menten equation under the circumstance
of prevailing disorder while tested against the single-molecule data.
However, recovery of randomness data in the lower-concentration regime,
albeit primarily marks a significant refinement, a qualitative agreement
at the growing concentrations seems to be reasoned by an account of
switching among the limited numbers of discrete conformers. Consequently,
in the second case, we circumvented the conventional way of approaching
the enzyme catalysis and mapped the dynamics of structural transitions
of the biocatalyst with the temporal fluctuations of the spatial distance
between the different locations along a coarse-grained polymer chain.
Exploiting a general mechanism for dynamic disorder, a reaction-diffusion
formalism yielded an analytical expression for the waiting time distribution
of the enzymatic turnovers, from which the mean waiting time and the
randomness parameter were readily determined. Application of our results
to the findings of the experiment on single β-galactosidase
shows a quantitative agreement in each case. This soundly validates
the usefulness of accounting for a more rigorous microscopic description
pertinent to the conformational multiplicity in rationalizing the
real-time data over the routine state-based sketch of the reaction