12leomycin sulphate is a mixture of cytotoxic glycopeptide antibiotics isolated from a strain of Streptomyces verticillus.1 Use of bleomycin in squamous cell carcinoma, lymphoma, testicular carcinoma and malignant pleural effusion has been associated with the development of pulmonary fibrosis in 1% of cases.2 Development of alveolitis in the early period of bleomycin-induced inflammation and fibrosis due to chronic inflammation have been demonstrated. 3,4 In the acute phase, an increase in the prothrombotic and procoagulant activity while a decrease in the fibrinolytic activity occurs in the bronchoalveolar compartment.5 Fibroblast deposition in the lung capillary endothelial cells, possibly through endothelial-mesenchymal transition was also shown in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis. 6 Herein we report development of pulmonary fibrosis following bleomycin treatment in Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis, Severe Hypoxia and Intracardiac Air Embolism:Case Report A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Bleomycin sulphate is a mixture of cytotoxic glycopeptide antibiotics isolated from a strain of Streptomyces verticillus. Use of bleomycin in squamous cell carcinoma, lymphoma, testicular carcinoma and malignant pleural effusion has been associated with the development of pulmonary fibrosis in 1% of cases. Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis results in severe hypoxemia due to inflammation that develops in the alveolar capillary membrane and this patients are associated with less-than-expected response to medical treatment besides the likelihood of complications related to mechanical ventilation. Herein, we report development of severe hypoxemia and intracardiac air embolism under mechanical ventilation who has no response to medical treatment in a 39-year-old male patient following bleomycin treatment.K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Bleomycin; pulmonary fibrosis; embolism, air Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Bleomisin sülfat, Streptomyces verticillus'un bir alt türünden izole edilmiş sitotoksik glikopeptid antibiyotiklerin bir karışımıdır. Skuamöz hücreli karsinom, lenfoma, testiküler karsinom ve malign plevral effüzyonda kullanılan bleomisine bağlı %1 olguda pulmoner fibrozis gelişmektedir.Bleomisin'e bağlı gelişen pulmoner fibrozis alveolokapiller membranda inflamasyon oluşumuna bağlı ciddi hipoksi ile sonuçlanır. Bu hastalarda medikal tedaviye yanıt beklenenden azdır ayrıca mekanik ventilasyona bağlı olası komplikasyonlar gelişmektedir. Bleomisin tedavisini takiben pulmoner fibrozis gelişen, medikal tedavilere yanıt alınamayan, ciddi hipoksi ile seyreden ve mekanik ventilasyon altında intrakardiyak hava embolisi gelişen 39 yaşındaki erkek olgumuz sunulmuştur.A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Bileomisin; pulmoner fibrozis; emboli, hava T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J C Ca as se e R Re ep p 2 20 01 15 5; ;2 23 3( (1 1) ): :1 12 2--5 5