The incidence of pneumothoraces with automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is unknown. Herein, we present 4 cases of pneumothoraces occurring in the setting of automated mechanical CPR (AM-CPR) in a 2-month period since incorporating mechanical devices into our resuscitation program. Two of the cases were in-hospital cardiac arrests, whereas the other 2 were out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. The Life-Stat 1008 device was utilized for AM-CPR in all cases. All cases demonstrated confirmed pneumothoraces on post-resuscitation imaging. Several factors may have contributed to the observed pneumothoraces. Two of the cases presented with obstructive lung disease, whereas the other 2 had underlying malignancy. Suboptimal positioning and failure to secure the included shoulder straps could have led to migration of the piston over the ribs. Further study is needed to determine the incidence of complications for all FDA-approved AM-CPR devices compared with manual chest compressions.