Spinal interfaces have traditionally focused on electrical stimulation of spinal cord tissue (i.e., white matter axonal tracts and/or gray matter neurons) or associated spinal roots (see ▶ "General Overview of Spinal Anatomy and Physiology Organization" in this Encyclopedia). Spinal interface applications have primarily centered about restoration of function lost to neurological impairment and study of spinal neural circuitry (organization, basic functions). More recently, spinal interfaces are being developed to record neural activity from large populations of spinal neurons and to deliver pharmacological agents to specific regions of the spinal cord. These interfaces may also be capable of simultaneously stimulating spinal tissue. Emerging application areas of spinal interfaces include chronic monitoring of neural transmission to serve as a biomarker of pathology/recovery and so-called closed-loop stimulation protocols, in which delivery of spinal stimulation is contingent upon real-time detection of salient neural activity. This latter category is particularly useful for studying and promoting neural plasticity in spinal circuits. Methodologies to record and/or modulate neural transmission in spinal tissue can be divided on the basis of applications (bladder, movement restoration, pain reduction, etc.), electrode technology employed (electrical, optical, etc.), electrode position (e.g., epidural, intradural, intraspinal), or a number of other characteristics. In this entry, spinal interface techniques are presented based on the degree of invasiveness, and the similar technological methods used to record from or stimulate the neural tissue are highlighted. In increasing order of invasiveness, spinal interfaces can be divided into (1) transcutaneous (recording and stimulation), (3) epidural, (4) intradural or intrathecal, and (5) intraspinal. Detailed Description High-Density Surface Electromyography Spinal alpha motoneurons have long been the only neuron in the human central nervous system from which it is possible to obtain direct recordings. This is because motoneuron action potentials occur in a one-to-one ratio with motor unit action potentials (MUAPs), which are discrete action potentials evident in muscle fibers that can be accessed via electromyography (i.e., recording muscle electrical activity, EMG). Because each MUAP waveform has unique