The possible role of vascular endothelial cell damage in the loss of intestinal crypt stem cells and the subsequent development of the gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome is addressed. Mice received wholebody epithermal neutron irradiation at a dose rate of 0.57 ؎ 0.04 Gy⅐min ؊1 . An additional dose was selectively targeted to endothelial cells from the short-ranged (5-9 m) particles released from neutron capture reactions in 10 B confined to the blood by incorporation into liposomes 70 -90 nm in diameter. Different liposome formulations produced 45 ؎ 7 or 118 ؎ 12 g͞g 10 B in the blood at the time of neutron irradiation, which resulted in total absorbed dose rates in the endothelial cells of 1.08 ؎ 0.09 or 1.90 ؎ 0.16 Gy⅐min ؊1 , respectively. At 3.5 d after irradiation, the intestinal crypt microcolony assay showed that the 2-to 3-fold increased doses to the microvasculature, relative to the nonspecific wholebody neutron beam doses, caused no additional crypt stem cell loss beyond that produced by the neutron beam alone. The threshold dose for death from the GI syndrome after neutron-beam-only irradiation was 9.0 ؎ 0.6 Gy. There were no deaths from the GI syndrome, despite calculated absorbed doses to endothelial cells as high as 27.7 Gy, in the groups that received neutron beam doses of <9.0 Gy with boronated liposomes in the blood. These data indicate that endothelial cell damage is not causative in the loss of intestinal crypt stem cells and the eventual development of the GI syndrome.gastrointestinal syndrome ͉ boron ͉ liposomes ͉ neutron capture R adiation-induced changes seen in normal tissues are traditionally separated into early and late effects. Stem-cellbased, rapidly renewing normal tissues, such as the bone marrow and the intestinal epithelium, are early responding tissues in which the time courses of the radiation syndromes are directly related to the turnover time of the differentiated functional cell compartments. The intestinal stem cells reside in the crypts of Lieberkühn at the base of the finger-like villi that comprise the intestinal epithelium. Epithelial cells differentiate as they migrate up the crypt and the villus and are eventually sloughed off at the tip into the intestinal lumen: the transit time takes Ϸ3-4