The impact-induced chemical reaction behavior of ZrTiNiCuBe bulk metallic glass was investigated by ballistic impact experiments. The Zr-based metallic glass fragments were launched at different initial velocities to normally impact 08 low-carbon steel plates with different thicknesses. The impact-induced deflagration was observed, and the shock wave overpressure after the target and the damage patterns of the thin plates were measured and analyzed. As the results show, the impact-induced chemical reaction is co-determined by the impact velocity and the thickness of the plate. The higher the impact velocity and the thinner the plate, the higher the shock wave overpressure and energy release rate due to a more intense chemical reaction. The damage pattern of ductile reaming was formed and the radial reaming effect is obvious due to the chemical energy released during the penetration. Moreover, combining theoretical considerations with experimental results, the engineering models of the shock wave pressure and the deflection were developed, the calculated results agree well with the experimental data, which can provide a reliable basis for the evaluation of the impact response and energy release of the Zr-based metallic glasses. Keywords: Zr-based bulk metallic glass fragment, impact-induced chemical reaction, shock wave overpressure, energy release characteristics S pomo~jo balisti~nega udarnega eksperimenta so avtorji prispevka raziskovali udarno inducirano kemijsko reakcijo masivnega kovinskega stekla iz zlitine na osnovi ZrTiNiCuBe. Avtorji raziskave so z drobci kovinskega stekla na osnovi Zr bombardirali jeklene plo{~e razli~ne debeline z razli~no za~etno hitrostjo. Na tar~i so opazovali udarno inducirane eksplozije in nadtlak udarnih valov. Izmerili in analizirali so vzorce nastalih po{kodb na tankih jeklenih plo{~ah. Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da je obseg udarno inducirane kemi~ne reakcije odvisen od hitrosti udarca in debeline jeklene plo{~e. Vi{ja kot je hitrost udarca in tanj{a kot je plo{~a, vi{ji je nadtlak udarnega vala in hitrost sprostitve energije zaradi bolj intenzivne kemi~ne reakcije. Nastali vzorci po{kodb so imeli obliko duktilne vrtine in radialni vrtilni efekt so pripisali spro{~eni kemi~ni energiji med penetracijo drobcev. Nadalje so avtorji kombinirali teoreti~na spoznanja z eksperimentalnimi rezultati in razvili in`enirske modele za tlak udarnih valov in deformacije zaradi upogibanja. Izra~uni se dobro ujemajo z eksperimentalnimi podatki, kar predstavlja zanesljivo osnovo za ovrednotenje udarnega odgovora in sprostitve energije kovinskih stekel na osnovi Zr. Klju~ne besede: delci masivnega kovinskega stekla na osnovi Zr, udarno inducirana kemi~na reakcija, nadtlak udarnih valov, zna~ilnosti spro{~anja energije