A ngiotensin (Ang) II generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) by activation of Ang II type 1 receptors (AT 1 Rs). The resulting ROS mediates many of the actions of Ang II, including constriction of vascular smooth muscles, increased systemic blood pressure (BP), endothelial dysfunction, vascular remodeling, and sodium retention. Ang II has its greatest effect on superoxide anion (O 2 Ϫ ), which may be an important signaling element of the hypertensive rats and other deleterious actions of Ang II. The mechanisms of ROS actions are not fully understood, yet effective antioxidant therapy often attenuates hypertension and other vascular effects of Ang II. Currently many studies use Ang II-infused animal models to investigate the role of ROS and interacting systems, not only on hypertension, but endothelial dysfunction, renal disease, heart disease, and other pathologies. This review focuses on the recent reports of Ang II-generated ROS and how it impacts hypertension and its vascular consequences.