The following isomers of the ethyl halide molecular ions have all been shown to be stable species in the gas phase: [CH2CH2FH]+'; [CH,CICH21+' (AH; = 1012 kJ mol-'); [CH,CHCIH]+' (AH; = 971 kJ mol-I); [CH2CH2CIH]+'; [CH,BrCHJ+' (AH; = 1058 kJ mol-I); [CH,CHBrHl+' (AH; = 995 kJ mol-') and [CH2CH2BrH]+'.Neutralization-reionization mass spectrometry, employing Xe as the electron transfer target gas and O2 as the target gas for reionization, indicated that the ylides CH,CICH, and CH,BrCH2 could not be generated by such means. However, the species CH,CHCIH, CH,CH,CIH and CH2CH2BrH (and possibly CH,CHBrH) were unambiguously identified.