“…6), showed as prominent as well as intense in API-ionspray MS/MS, but revealed less abundant in EI-MS and FAB-MS These fragment ions corresponding to ethereal ring E and ring F via dibenzylic cleavages of the dimeric alkaloids, such as product ion at m/z 213 (g) via obamegine, oxyacathine and thalicberine, product ion at m/z 227 (h) via thalrugosine, isotetrandrine, obaberine, O-methylthalicberine, northalrugosine, thalrugosidine and thalidasine, and product ion at m/z 243 (w) via thalibrunine, were less abundant in the MS/MS data of all investigated alkaloids due to less ionic characteristics of these ions (Fig. 6), however, these diphenyl ether ions did not reveal in EI-MS, CI-MS and FAB-MS [1,2,4,[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. API-ionspray MS and MS/MS analysis of the investigated alkaloids exhibited more sensitivity of detection in Q1 scan MS and more fragment as well as intense product ions in MS/MS in nanogram quantities than those of CI-MS, EI-MS and FAB-MS in more than 10 g quantities.…”