Effects of melt stirring and holding time were studied with an Al-4.5 % of mass fractions of Cu (A206) alloy. The optimum level of a grain refiner was determined in conjunction with both continuously stirred and non-stirred melts during the holding time. Results showed that a mass fraction of a Ti addition of as low as 0.03 % was sufficient to obtain the 82 μm average grain size, while a Ti addition exceeding the mass fraction of 0.03 % showed no significant effect on the grain size of castings. The grain refinement tends to fade with a long holding time in a non-stirred liquid. The results also showed that an effective grain refinement of the A206 alloy can be achieved with a long holding time as long as the liquid alloy is continually stirred.Keywords: grain refinement, melt stirring, holding time, Al-4.5Cu alloy, A206 alloy Raziskan je bil vpliv me{anja in~asa zadr`evanja taline zlitine Al-4,5 % masnega dele`a Cu (A206). Dolo~ena je bila optimalna koli~ina udrobnjevalca zrn, v povezavi s stalnim me{anjem ali brez me{anja taline med zadr`evanjem. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bilo`e 0,03 % masnega dele`a dodatka Ti, dovolj za doseganje povpre~ne velikosti zrn 82 μm, medtem ko dodatek Ti ve~ji od 0,03 % masnega dele`a, ni pokazal vpliva na velikost zrn ulitkov. U~inkovitost drobnjenja zrn se zmanj{a pri dolgih~asih zadr`anja in brez me{anja taline. Rezultati so pokazali {e, da je mogo~e dose~i u~inkovito drobnjenje zrn tudi pri dolgih~asih zadr`evanja, dokler se talina stalno me{a. Klju~ne besede: drobnjenje zrn, me{anje taline,~as zadr`evanja, zlitina Al-4.5Cu, zlitina A206