The primary task of technologists-designers is to optimize the structure and properties of building composite materials. Its achievement allows simultaneously increasing their efficiency, reliability and durability. The article presents the results of determining the granulometric composition of a composite gypsum binder (CGB) by computational and experimental modeling using the known equations of "ideal" curves. Due to the fact that when designing the binder composition, one of the main tasks is to optimize its structure at the micro level with finding the best ratios sizes and quantitative content of particles in the hardening system to create a dense packing, in the work a comparison is made of the granulometric compositions of 3, 4 and 5-component KGV. It has been established that the developed 5-component composition of KGV, including (% by weight): 68 % gypsum binder (G5B-II - 70% and GVVS-16 – 30 %), 10 % Portland cement, 20% fine quartz sand, 0.5 % metakaolin VMK-45 and 1.5% limestone dust, in terms of the ratio of components and their granulometric composition, deviates from that calculated using a computer program using the equations of the "optimal" Funk-Dinger curve by 15.3 %, which causes a denser packing of its particles with an increase in average density, strength indicators and softening coefficient even with a decrease in the content of gypsum binder