A system for addressing in the construction of macromolecular assemblies can be based on the biospecificity of DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferases and the capacity of these enzymes to form abortive covalent complexes at targeted 5-f luorocytosine residues in DNA. Using this system, macromolecular assemblies have been created using two representative methyltransferases: M⅐HhaI and M⅐MspI. When 5-f luorocytosine (F) is placed at the targeted cytosine in each recognition sequence in a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide (GFGC for M⅐HhaI or FCGG for M⅐MspI), we show that the first recognition sequence becomes an address for M⅐HhaI, while the second sequence becomes an address for M⅐MspI. A chimeric enzyme containing a dodecapeptide antigen linked to the C terminus of M⅐HhaI retained its recognition specificity. That specificity served to address the linked peptide to the GFGC recognition site in DNA. With this assembly system components can be placed in a preselected order on the DNA helix. Axial spacing for adjacent addresses can be guided by the observed kinetic footprint of each methyltransferase. Axial rotation of the addressable protein can be guided by the screw axis of the DNA helix. The system has significant potential in the general construction of macromolecular assemblies. We anticipate that these assemblies will be useful in the construction of regular protein arrays for structural analysis, in the construction of protein-DNA systems as models of chromatin and the synaptonemal complex, and in the construction of macromolecular devices.Macromolecular assembly is easily approached with DNA. Branching through the formation of Watson-Crick paired duplexes in the shape of a Y or an X is now well known (1-4), and the feasibility of assembling 2-dimensional quadrilaterals and 3-dimensional cubes on which more extended structures can be based has been demonstrated (5, 6). However, the stable, site-directed attachment of labile enzymes and proteins to a DNA scaffold presents a formidable challenge in macromolecular fabrication. Candidate procedures in which the Watson-Crick base-pairing homology or triple-helix basepairing homology of an oligodeoxynucleotide is used to direct a tethered moiety to a preselected site in DNA (3, 4, 7-9) involve extremes of pH or temperature that can destroy the native structure of these proteins. Attachment systems based on antibodies directed against DNA are likely to lack specificity. On the other hand, antibodies to a hapten could be used to decorate a matrix depending on the pattern of haptens laid down during synthesis. The disadvantage here is that all hapten moieties are equivalent, and thus selective addressing would not be possible unless a series of haptens and antibodies directed to them could be developed. While a system of distinct haptens and antibodies is possible (3), it would be necessary to develop a set of hapten-phosphoramidites and the corresponding series of bifunctional antibodies to utilize this approach. Moreover, the use of noncovalent linkages sacrifice...