Hydrodynamics of a turbulent fluidized bed is studied by means of the concurrent application of fiber optic sensors It is observed that in the vicinity of the column wall there is a high bubble activity region. Low bubble activity and A temperature increase from 22 to 145°C results in a more homogeneous turbulent fluidized bed with smaller bubbles Mass transfer coefficients between bubble-emulsion (kbe) and bubble-annulus (kh) are evaluated. The dominant mass and a helium tracer. negative bubble velocities are reported for the dense phase near the column centre-line region. and more gas flowing through an expanded dense bed emulsion phase.transfer path was the one from the bubbles to the annular region with kba being several times greater than kbe.On a etudi6 I'hydrodynamique d'un lit fluidise turbulent au moyen de I'application simultanee de capteurs a fibres On a observe dans la region de la paroi de la colonne une zone de forte activite de bullage. Une faible activite de bullage Une augmentation de la temperature de 22 a 145°C rend le lit fluidise turbulent plus homogene avec des bulles plus (Nakajima et al., 1991). Thus, there is limited data on turbulent fluidized beds operated at conditions other than room temperature. Studies at more elevated temperatures and relatively low superficial gas velocities were mainly concerned with the effect of temperature on minimum fluidization velocity and bed voidage (Otake et al., 1975; Mii et al., 1973;Sishtla et al., 1986). Reactor size, in most of these studies, was limited to bench scale or laboratory scale units (Kai and Furusaki, 1985;Yamazaki et al., 1986;Cai et al., 1988; Hatate et al., 1988; Rapagna et al., 1994).Modelling of fluidized beds requires the use of data from bubble sensors and tracers. Ege et al. (1999, in through a gate valve (V4). This valve was used to adjust the air flow. Air, before being fed to the fluidized bed, was heated using an electrical oven (0). Conditions of the preheated air were selected to adjust the fluidized bed reactor temperature. Air exiting the oven expanded into a plenum chamber,