The critical species and concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) required for the induction of DIC transport during adaptation t o low CO, were determined for the green alga Chlorella ellipsoidea. The concentration of dissolved CO, needed for the induction of both CO, and HC0,-transport was independent of p H during adaptation, whereas the total DIC concentration required increased at alkaline pH. At p H 7.5, the minimum equilibrium DIC concentration at which high CO, characteristics were maintained, i.e. transport was repressed, was 2100 PM, whereas the maximum equilibrium DIC concentration below which DIC transport was fully induced (DI C, , , ) was 500 PM. lntracellular DIC concentration during adaptation t o DI C, , , decreased temporarily after 2 h t o 60% of the maximum leve1 but recovered after 3 h of adaptation. When cells partially adapted t o DI C, , , were returned t o high CO, , there was an immediate halt to the induction of transport and a gradual decrease i n transport capacity over 23 h. The capacity for the induction of transport was unaffected by the absence of light. These results indicate that changes in the interna1 DIC pool during adaptation t o low CO, do not trigger the induction of DIC transport and that the induction is not light dependent. lnduction of DIC transport in C. ellipsoidea appears t o occur in response to the continuous exposure of cells t o a critical CO, concentration i n the external medium.