The presence of sulfur compounds in canola oil is mainly responsible for nickel catalyst poisoning during hydrogenation. In this study, different adsorbents (alumina, alumina-silicate, diatomaceous silica and silica gel) were used in conjunction with different bleaching earths (AOCS official natural bleaching earth, G 160 from Harshaw-Filtrol and montmorillonite K10 from Aldrich Chemical Co.) to remove the three types of sulfur compounds [total sulfur (TS), h e y nickel sulfur (RS) and volatile sulfur (VS)] from canola oil. The TS content of the oil was not affected during bleaching. The AOCS bleaching earth removed 28.6-36.4% RS and 57.8-78.90/0 VS in the bleaching temperature range of 12O-15O0C. The some bleaching earth, in combination with 6 % TriSyl (micronized silicon dioxide adsorbent) 45.7-81.4% RS and 73.3-95.6% VS were successfully removed.TriSyl also improved the chlorophyll content and color of the oil bleached at 120%. Bleachingat 12OOC with G 160 and K 10 removed 44 and 81 O h RS and 69 and 61% VS respectively. These two bleaching earths, in combination with alumina, alumina-silicate, diatomaceous silica or silica gel did not further improve the removal of all the three types of sulfur present in the oil.