Segregation of interface elements is the main factor affecting the corrosion activity of microareas around Al2O3 inclusions rather than galvanic corrosion. In this work, the effects of segregation of Cu, V, Ni, Mo, B, and P elements on the interfacial bonding strength and microareas corrosion activity around Al2O3 inclusions are analyzed in detail using 3D atomic probe and first‐principles calculations. In the results, it is shown that Cu, V, Mo, B, and P elements reduce the stability of the α‐Fe/Al2O3 interface. In addition, the segregation of Cu, V, Mo, B, and P elements at the interface also enhances the adsorption capacity of Cl and ultimately improves the microarea corrosion activity around Al2O3 inclusions. Ni element can enhance the stability of α‐Fe/Al2O3 interface, and the segregation of Ni element at the interface weakens the adsorption capacity of Cl and ultimately reduces the microarea corrosion activity around Al2O3 inclusions.