A B S T R A C T Retardation in fatigue crack growth rate following the application of single and periodic tensile overloads was studied for 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 aluminium alloys. Tests were performed at constant stress and at constant stress intensity factor ranges, at a load ratio of R = 0.1, at a baseline K in the 10-20 MPa √ m range which corresponds to the Paris regime. Overload ratios of 1.3-1.65 were studied with overload spacing, n, varying from 20 to 10 000 cycles. 2024-T3 displayed an order of magnitude higher retardation, N d , due to single tensile overloads compared to 7075-T6. Periodic overloads induced maximum retardation when n/N d ≈ 0.5 for both alloys, the magnitude being only 15% higher for 2024-T3. a = crack length CA = constant amplitude da/dN = crack growth rate K = stress intensity factor K min , K max = minimum and maximum stress intensity factor for base cycling K ol = stress intensity factor corresponding to overload peak M(T) = middle cracked tension specimen n = number of cycles between overloads N = number of cycles N d = number of retarded (delayed) cycles N CA = number of constant amplitude cycles for the crack to grow by an amount equal to the overload-induced plastic zone size OL = overload OLR = overload ratio (K ol /K max ) POL = periodic overload R = stress or load ratio (P min /P max ) S = nominal stress, load/cross-sectional area 2r ol y = plane strain plastic zone size associated with the overload S y = yield strength β = ratio of the constant amplitude crack growth rate to the rate during periodic overloads-retardation factor K = stress intensity factor range corresponding to base cycling, K max -K min K ol = K ol -K min N d = transient portion of the retarded growth ( Fig. 1) S = stress range (= load range/cross-sectional area)