This report documents the operations, testing, maintenance, and improvements that were performed at the Mechanisms Engineering Test Loop (METL) during FY2022. The METL facility had a very successful fourth year of operations and went through some new experiences such as taking the facility from its frozen state in October 2021 and thawing the facility and also recovering from an oxide plug in one of the cold trap lines. After the facility was fully thawed, the METL staff maintained the facility in a continuous molten stateeither flowing sodium or a static flow condition. METL facility continued supporting the Gear Test Assembly (GTA) testing and hosted its first 28" test vessel experiment, called the Thermal Hydraulic Experimental Test Article (THETA) which was inserted into Test Vessel 4. Work to accommodate two additional experiments, a gripper test article (GrTA) and a flow sensor test article (F-STAr) continued as they are expected to make their debut in FY2023. In addition, the steam piping for the B308 scrubber unit was replaced with stainless steel piping and controls and new parts for the scrubber were purchasedsuch as a new pump, new storage tank, and new blower and motor. These components will ultimately replace the existing scrubber components when those 1970's era require replacement.
Mechanisms EngineeringTest Loop (METL) Operations and Testing Report -FY2022 September 2022 ANL-METL-41 ii Mechanisms Engineering Test Loop (METL) Operations and Testing Report -FY2022 September 2022 ANL-METL-41 v• Initiated the design of an extension of the METL platform to increase the usable floor space for METL operations and maintenance.
Plans for FY2023 at METL Phase IIThe METL facility will continue with molten sodium operations in FY2023. During FY2023, we expect to be reconditioning the Gear Test Assembly (6 th time) which was tested in FY2019-2022 and retesting the test assembly in Test Vessel 1 with new bearing blocks and bearings.The THETA experiment primary system will continue with its testing and the project will install the secondary system to allow for the rejection of the heat generated by the THETA primary core. The secondary system will be filled with sodium. The THETA primary and secondary system will be operated as unit for thermal hydraulic code validation. We will be operating the inductive and thermal property probe level sensors and installing an ultrasonic heath monitoring system on the Test Vessel 6 primary piping system, system will be operated, and Test Vessel 6 will be installed in METL. Test Vessel 6 piping is nearly 80% complete and will then be equipped with heaters, instrumentation, and insulation. We initiated the design of an extension to the METL platform to increase the usable space for METL work. We will continue to collaborate with industry and support the nuclear energy university program calls for experimentation in METL.