We study the electrical conductance G and the thermopower S of single-molecule junctions, and reveal signatures of different transport mechanisms: off-resonant tunneling, on-resonant coherent (ballistic) motion, and multi-step hopping. These mechanisms are identified by studying the behavior of G and S while varying molecular length and temperature. Based on a simple one-dimensional model for molecular junctions, we derive approximate expressions for the thermopower in these different regimes. Analytical results are compared to numerical simulations, performed using a variant of Büttiker's probe technique, the so-called voltagetemperature probe, which allows us to phenomenologically introduce environmentally-induced elastic and inelastic electron scattering effects, while applying both voltage and temperature biases across the junction. We further simulate the thermopower of GC-rich DNA molecules with mediating A:T blocks, and manifest the tunneling-to-hopping crossover in both the electrical conductance and the thermopower, in accord with measurements by Y. Li et al., Nature Comm. 7, 11294 (2016).