Protection Agency (EPA) certified that the WIPP dkposal system complied with its regulations. The EPA's decision was primarily based on the results from a performance. assessment conducted in 1996, which is summarized in thk special issue of Reliability Engineerhg and System Safety. This performance assessment was the culmination of four prelirninaryperformance assessments conducted between 1989 and 1992. "This paper provides a historical setting and context for how the performance of the deep geologic repository at the WIPP was analyzed.' Also included is background on political forces .acting on the project.Key Words: performance assessmen~probabilistic risk assessment risk assessment; radioactive waste disposal; Waste Isolation Pilot PlanG history .
'1.0 IntroductionIn 1998,25 years 'after selection of the "Delaware Basin in southeastern New Mexico as a~otential disposal site for radioactive waste, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified that the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), an underground geologic disposal system, complied with its regulations. This paper presents a historical summary of the system characterization, engineering analyses, and scientific investigations undertaken by the WIPP Project over the past 25 years and provides a context for the~esults presented in this special issue of Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Although it is mot .essentird to know the WIPP'S history to comprehend the engineering analysis, an understanding of the issues that the project faced can be helpful. Many paths were followed during these 25 years to discern which phenomena were important at the WIPP, and often these paths were initiated in Tesponse to evolving notions of what kind of :g@tific information was "significant, what level of understanding was required, and how society could use this scientific information to decide whether deep geologic disposal of nuclear waste was acceptable.1-3/9/99 Draft \.
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Characterization of WIPP Disposal SystemThe choice of New Mexico as a potential disposal site for nuclear waste in 1973 (Claibome and Gera, 1974) was one in a series of episodes in which New Mexico had figured prominently with regard to nuclear phenomena. In
1942, the Manhattan Engineering Dkrnct selected New Mexico as the location (including what are known now asLos Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories) for assembling the scientists, engineers, and technicians who would develop the fist atomic bomb. As a direct consequence of that development, the first atomic explosion took place in 1945 in the desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico (Serber, 1992). Sixteen years later, in 1961, scientists with the Gnome Project detonated a device in the Delaware Basin in bedded salt near Carlsbad, New Mexico, as part of the Plowshare Program, which was exploring nonmilitary uses of nuclear explosives (Gard, 1968).After a potential...