Quasifree scattering (QFS) in multiparticle reactions has been the subject of recent detailed study, both experimentally and theoretically. 1 " 5 In the analysis of data, 2 " 3 ' 5 it appears that the plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA) and the cluster-model approximation applied to such quasifree knockout reactions, A(a,ab)B, can be quite successful in predicting the general shape of the coincidence cross section. However, it has been found in each QFS where the cluster probability is well known, as in reactions involving Is-shell nuclei, that the PWIA curve is a little too broad, and a normalization factor is required to derive absolute fits to the data. It has also been determined that this factor is energy dependent. 1 ' 3In the absence of a rigorous theory, similar to the Faddeev theory in three-particle problems, considerable theoretical interest has centered on removing, or deriving from some suitable model, this normalization factor, thus resuscitating PWIA as a viable instrument for QFS analysis. For example, Duck, Valkovic, and Phillips 2 utilize a large phenomenological off-shell correction to produce absolute magnitude and shape fits to the coincidence cross section of coplanar 2 H(d,dp)n at 12.5 MeV. Also, Bonbright et al. 4 have shown that a smooth cutoff parameter Phys. Rev. B(to be published).in the Hulthen deuteron function, which varies with energy, is able to fulfill the same purpose.In this work, I show that such deficiencies in PWIA analyses of recently studied 2 H-and 3 Heinduced QFS processes can be removed by the use of Eckart cluster-model wave functions for the light nuclei 6 and a simple, but physically plausible, modification of the Rogers-Say lor attenuation model. 7 In the original model, the theoretical expression for the coincidence cross section to be compared with experiment is the usual PWIA expression multiplied by an attenuation factor. This factor is defined, for example, in (p, 2/>) QFS as
T(a T )= f ip*(r) exp(-o T /4Tir 2 )ip(r)d 3 r,where ip is the cluster function representing the relative function of either final-state proton with respect to the spectator nucleus, while cr r is the sum of experimental total cross sections of both protons on the spectator at the corresponding final-state energies. Physically, T represents the probability of transmission of the two protons after QFS into detectors located at the QFS kinematic region. Haracz and Lim 8 have shown that in symmetric, coplanar (p,2p) reactions on 2 H, 3 He, and 4 He, Eckart wave functions and this attenuation factor can lead to excellent shape andThe absolute magnitudes and shapes of the cross sections of a number of 2 H-and 3 Heinduced quasifree scattering processes are correctly predicted by the use of Eckart cluster-model wave functions for the light nuclei involved and a simple, but physically plausible, modification of the Rogers-Saylor attenuation model.