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August 2002
Radiosensitization of Human Mammary Carcinoma Cells by Specific Inhibition of Signal Transduction Cascades
AUTHOR(S)Paul Dent, Ph.D.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia 23298-0568 E-Mail: We investigated the impact of combined exposure to the check-point abrogator (UCN-01) in conjunction with MEK1/2 inhibitors upon survival of mammary carcinoma cells. Treatment of cells with UCN-01 resulted in prolonged activation of the MAPK pathway. Inhibition of MEK1/2 caused modest reductions in basal MAPK activity and suppressed UCN-01-stimulated MAPK activity below that of MEK1/2 inhibitor alone. Significantly, combined, but not individual, exposure of cells to UCN-01 and MEK1/2 inhibitors enhanced BAX association with mitochondria and triggered release of cytochrome c into the cytosol, accompanied by activation of effector pro-caspases, resulting in a synergistic potentiation of apoptosis within 18-24h. Radiation exposure of drug treated cells did not further enhance apoptosis. Treatment of cells with both caspase 9 and caspase 8 inhibitors was required to completely inhibit apoptosis in carcinoma cells. Over-expression of Bcl-x L blocked cytochrome c release and cell killing induced by the drug combination.
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)UColony forming assays demonstrated that cells exposed to both agents exhibited a substantial reduction in clonogenic survival compared to either drug alone; moreover, radiation further reduced clonogenic survival despite failing to promote additional apoptosis. [9]. It is thought that UCN-01 at physiologic concentrations promotes cell death via Cdk dephosphorylation rather than by inhibition of PKC enzymes [10].
SUBJECT TERMSThe ability of the "classical" mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway to regulate proliferation versus differentiation and survival appears to depend upon the amplitude and duration of MAPK activation. A short activation of the MAPK cascade by growth factors has been correlated with enhanced progression through the Gl-S transition [11]. In contrast, prolonged elevation of MAPK activity has been demonstrated to inhibit DNA synthesis through s...