Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BRS) represent a novel approach for coronary revascularization offering several advantages as compared to current generation DES, potentially reducing rate of late adverse events and avoiding permanent vessel caging. Nevertheless, safety concerns have been raised for an increased risk of scaffold thrombosis (ScT) in both early and late phases, probably related to a suboptimal scaffold implantation. In this context, the use of different imaging methodologies has been strongly suggested in order to guarantee an optimal implantation. We herein analyze the different imaging methodologies available to assess BRS after implantation and at follow-up. J Thorac Dis 2017;9(Suppl 9):S959-S968 for BRS implantation in order to confirm optimal scaffold expansion, to exclude edge dissections, struts malapposition or underexpansion. Furthermore, imaging technique may evaluate at follow-up scaffold reabsorption and vessel changes over time.
Keywords: Scaffold; intravascular ultrasound (IVUS); echogenicity; virtual histology-IVUS (VH-IVUS); optical coherence tomography (OCT); multislice coronary tomography (MSCT)SubmittedWe herein analyze the different imaging methodologies available to assess BRS after implantation and at follow-up.
Quantitative coronary angiography (QCA)Coronary angiography is the most important method for assessing BRS implantation. As well as for conventional stent, at least two different projections with at least 30° difference for the right coronary artery and 3 different projections with at least 30° difference for the left coronary artery must be acquired before and after BRS implantation. The treated segment and the 5 mm proximal and distal to scaffold edges should be analyzed. As the bioresorbable devices are radiolucent, the QCA analysis may be performed visualizing the metallic markers of the scaffold.The following parameters can be measured.
Acute recoilIt is defined as the difference between the mean diameter of the BRS delivery balloon (or, in case of post-dilatation, mean diameter of post-dilatation balloon) at the highest pressure and the mean lumen diameter (MLD) of the stented segment after balloon deflation. It can be expressed as absolute or relative value. The acute recoil is an important parameter in relation to the success of a PCI in acute and long-time period, as it has a direct impact on minimum stent area (MSA). A MSA less than 5.0 mm 2 is associated with high probability of in-stent restenosis (6).T h e a c u t e r e c o i l o f A b s o r b B V S 1 . 1 ( A b b o t t Laboratories, Abbott park, Illinois, USA) in the Absorb Cohort B trials and DESolve Nx BRS (Elixir Medical, Sunnyvale, California, USA) were 6.7%±6.4% and 6.4%±4.6%, respectively (7,8). These values are not dissimilar to those of metallic stent, showed in a Japanese study of 154 lesions comparing the biolimus eluting stent (Nobori stent, Terumo, Tokyo, Japan), cobalt chromium everolimus eluting stent (Xience V stent, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and pl...