Atmospheric aerosol particles influence the
Earth’s radiative
energy balance and cloud properties, thus impacting the air quality,
human health, and Earth’s climate change. Because of the important
scientific and overarching practical implications of aerosols, the
past two decades have seen extensive research efforts, with emphasis
on the chemical compositions and underlying mechanisms of aerosol
formation. It has been recognized that new particle formation (NPF)
contributes up to 50% of atmospheric aerosols. Nowadays, the general
consensus is that NPF proceeds via two distinct stages: the nucleation
from gaseous precursors to form critical nuclei of sub-1–2 nm size, and the subsequent growth into large particles.
However, a fundamental understanding of both the NPF process and molecular-level
characterization of the critical size aerosol clusters is still largely
missing, hampering the efforts in developing reliable and predictive
aerosol nucleation and climate models.
Both field measurements
and laboratory experiments have gathered
convincing evidence about the importance of volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) in enhancing the nucleation and growth of aerosol particles.
Numerous and abundant small clusters composed of sulfuric acid or
bisulfate ion and organic molecules have been shown to exist in ∼2
nm sized aerosol particles. In particular, kinetic studies indicated
the formation of clusters with one H2SO4 and
one or two organics being the rate-limiting step.
This Account
discusses our effort in developing an integrated approach,
which involves the laboratory cluster synthesis via electrospray ionization,
size and composition analysis via mass spectrometry, photoelectron
spectroscopic characterization, and quantum mechanics based theoretical
modeling, to investigate the structures, energetics, and thermodynamics
of the aerosol prenucleation clusters relevant to NPF. We have been
focusing on the clusters formed between H2SO4 or HSO4
– and the organics from oxidation
of both biogenic and anthropogenic emissions. We illustrated the significant
thermodynamic advantage by involving organic acids in the formation
and growth of aerosol clusters. We revealed that the functional groups
in the organics play critical roles in promoting NPF process. The
enhanced roles were quantified explicitly for specific functional
groups, establishing a Molecular Scale that ranks
highly hierarchic intermolecular interactions critical to aerosol
formation. The different cluster formation pathways, probably mimicking
the various polluted industrial environments, that involve cis-pinonic and cis-pinic acids were unveiled
as well. Furthermore, one intriguing fundamental phenomenon on the
unusual protonation pattern, which violates the gas-phase acidity
(proton affinity) prediction, was discovered to be common in sulfuric
acid–organic clusters. The mechanism underlying the phenomenon
has been rationalized by employing the temperature-dependent experiments
of sulfuric acid–formate/halide model clusters, which could
explain the hig...