We have determined the product distribution, the rate constants for dediazoniation product formation, and the solvolytic rate constants for 2-, 3-, and 4-methylbenzenediazonium ions (2-, 3-, and 4-MBD, respectively) loss in acidic ethanol/ water mixtures over the whole composition range by a combination of spectrophotometric (UV/Vis) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) measurements. The observed rate constants (k obs ) for substrate loss are equal to those for product formation, and they remain essentially constant (2-MBD) with changing solvent composition but increase by a factor of ഠ2 (4MBD) on going from water to 100% EtOH. Up to four dediazoniation products − cresols (ArOH), chlorotoluene (ArCl), methylphenetole (ArOEt), and toluene (ArH) − were detected, depending on the solvent composition; the major dediazoniation products were the ArOH and