DOI: 10.1002/jps.10049
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Mechanisms of cytoprotective effect of amino acids on local toxicity caused by sodium laurate, a drug absorption enhancer, in intestinal epithelium

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Cited by 25 publications
(40 citation statements)
References 37 publications
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“…The authors also found that MCFAs displayed cytotoxicity, as previously reported by other studies (Kamm et al 2000;Endo et al 2002), with concentrations higher than 9.5 mM of C10 and 5 mM for C12 after 1 h of exposure and from 7.5 mM for C10 and 2.5 mM for C12 after 8 h. Transepithelial resistance also seemed to be impaired when MCFAs are used in Caco-2 cells (Lindmark et al 1998).…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 78%
“…The authors also found that MCFAs displayed cytotoxicity, as previously reported by other studies (Kamm et al 2000;Endo et al 2002), with concentrations higher than 9.5 mM of C10 and 5 mM for C12 after 1 h of exposure and from 7.5 mM for C10 and 2.5 mM for C12 after 8 h. Transepithelial resistance also seemed to be impaired when MCFAs are used in Caco-2 cells (Lindmark et al 1998).…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 78%
“…Keys: ϫ, Control suppository; ᭺, suppository f (20 mg C12); ᭹, suppository j (20 mg C12ϩ30 mg Tau); ᭝, suppository a (15 mg C10); ᭡, suppository b (25 mg C10); ٗ, suppository e (10 mg C12); , suppository h (10 mg C12ϩ30 mg Tau). Table 4 evidenced, 26,27) which might be attributed to the opening of tight junction and the enhancement of membrane fluidity. 26) Although we previously reported that the addition of Tau attenuated the enhancing effect of C12, 25,30) Tau hardly decreased the absorption improving effect of C12 in the case of the suppositories containing 20-mg C12, when compared with the suppositories containing 10-mg C12 (Fig.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…[21][22][23] We have found that C12, a mediumchain fatty acid salt, is a promising absorption enhancer and better than C10 in terms of the absorption improving ability, 24) and that Tau has the most effective cytoprotective activity among amino acids examined. 25) Cytoprotective action by Tau has been evidenced by both biochemical [25][26][27] and histopathological 25) approaches and it has been partially related with the suppression of intracellular Ca 2ϩ level elevated by C12 and the inhibition of histamine release induced by C12. L-Glutamine (L-Gln) also has the cytoprotective action, which is partially attributed to the induction of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70), 27) a factor protecting cells from injuries caused by several kinds of stresses.…”
confidence: 99%
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“…The tight intercellular junctions between the epithelial cells restrict the absorption of drugs and control the access of potential antigens and pathogens from the lumen to submucosa (De Magistris 2006). Efforts to design novel formulations to breach the mucosal barrier for efficient antigen presentation to the M cells or their transport to draining lymph nodes either by lamina propria dendritic cells or by lymphatics (Rescigno et al 2001), and to enhance the absorption of poorly soluble and poorly absorbable drugs have been increasing recently (Messing et al 1999;Aungst 2000;Yata et al 2001;Endo et al 2002;Ohtake et al 2002;Miyake et al 2003Miyake et al , 2004Miyake et al , 2006Li et al 2005;Seki et al 2005).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%