The HMCES protein forms a covalent DNA-protein cross-link (DPC) with abasic (AP) sites in ssDNA, and the resulting HMCES-DPC is thought to suppress double-strand break formation in S phase. However, the dynamics of HMCES cross-linking and whether any DNA repair pathways normally include an HMCES-DPC intermediate remain unknown. Here, we show that an HMCES-DPC forms efficiently on the AP site generated during replication-coupled DNA interstrand cross-link (ICL) repair. We use this system to show that HMCES cross-links form on DNA after the replicative CMG helicase has passed over the AP site, and that HMCES is subsequently removed by the SPRTN protease. The HMCES-DPC suppresses DSB formation, slows translesion synthesis (TLS) past the AP site, and introduces a bias for insertion of deoxyguanosine opposite the AP site. These data show that HMCES-DPCs can form as constitutive intermediates in replication-coupled repair, and they suggest a general model of how HMCES protects AP sites during DNA replication.