“…former could be purified by one cycle of CsCl centriIfthe DNA recovered in the top phase is centrifuged fugation, but when high-molecular-weight spermatoto equilibrium in CsCl in a 60Ti rotor (Spinco model 1978 L preparative ultracentrifuge), the resolution of satellite rDNA is not satisfactory. This is because the resolution of satellite DNA by CsCl centrifugation depends on both the molecular weight and concentration of DNA (Brown & Weber, 1968 (Tamm et al, 1952) and thus create single-strand breaks (Walker, 1971;Ginoza & Guild, 1961;Ginoza & Zimm, 1961). Moreover, the poly(ethylene glycol)/dextran two-phase system depends on the separation ofsingle-and double-stranded DNA in the two phases, i.e., on their distribution coefficient, K. As K=exp- (T) where M is molecular weight, k the Boltzmann constant, A a constant, T temperature in K, it is obvious that the partition coefficient (K) also depends on the molecular weight of DNA.…”