Summary. An indirect immunofluorescence technique, using murine monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against human IFN-~ and human IFN-? was used to study IFNs in cryostat sections from psoriatic skin lesions. The IFNs were more pronounced in sections from highly active psoriasis than in sections from stationary psoriasis. In highly active psoriatic lesions IFN-~ was localized to keratinocytes is stratum basale, to some epidermal dendritic cells, probably Langerhans cells, and to some mononuclear cells in dermis. IFN-~ was usually not detected in sections from stationary psoriasis. IFN-y was localized to stratum corneum, to keratinocytes around microabcesses and to mononnclear cells in the dermal cell infiltrates, predominantly in highly active psoriatic lesions. Both IFN-~ and IFNwere localized to some endothelial cells in the papillary dermis. The MoAbs did not stain sections from unaffected skin from patients with psoriasis or sections from healthy individuals. The findings indicate that the IFN system in the skin may be of significance in the pathophysiology of psoriasis.
Key words: Psoriasis -InterferonsPreviously, we demonstrated interferon (IFN) in serum and suction blister fluid from patients with psoriasis using an infectivity inhibition micromethod [4]. Sera from patients with psoriasis had higher levels of IFN than sera from healthy individuals. Higher IFN levels were detected in suction blister fluid from psoriatic skin lesions than in serum and in suction blister fluid from unaffected skin, indicating IFN production in the skin lesions. Characterization experiments indicated the presence of IFN-7 and both acid labile and acid stable IFN-a in blister fluids and sera. Extended studies using an ELISA assay indicate inOffprint requests to ." J. K. Livden, MD (address see above) creased levels of IFN-? in sera from patients with active psoriasis compared with sera from healthy individuals, while sera from patients with stationary psoriasis have decreased levels of IFN-7 (unpublished data). Recently, Kapp et al. [11] found decreased IFN production by peripheral leukocytes from patients with psoriasis.IFN-7 is mainly produced by activated T lymphocytes, whereas IFN-~ is produced by several cell types after various viral and nonviral stimuli. Previously, we demonstrated retrovirus-like particles in suction blister fluids from psoriatic skin lesions [5]. The presence of IFN-a and retrovirus-like particles in blister fluids from psoriatic lesions indicated that virus may be of significance in the pathogenesis of psoriasis [23].Further information on IFN in psoriasis is of particular interest in relation to disease activity and cellular localization. Therefore, we examined sections of psoriatic and normal skin using an immunofluorescence technique with monoclonal antibodies to human IFN-~ and IFN-~.