The importance of renal ammonia metabolism in acid-base homeostasis is well known. However, the effects of renal ammonia metabolism other than in acid-base homeostasis are not as widely recognized. First, ammonia differs from almost all other solutes in the urine in that it does not result from arterial delivery. Instead, ammonia is produced by the kidney and only a portion of the ammonia produced is excreted in the urine. The remainder is returned to the systemic circulation through the renal veins. In normal individuals, systemic ammonia addition is metabolized efficiently by the liver, but in patients with either acute or chronic liver disease, conditions that increase renal ammonia addition to the systemic circulation can cause precipitation and/or worsening of hyperammonemia. Second, ammonia appears to serve as an intra-renal paracrine signaling molecule. Hypokalemia increases proximal tubule ammonia production and secretion and it increases reabsorption in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, thereby increasing delivery to the renal interstitium and the collecting duct. In the collecting duct, ammonia decreases potassium secretion and stimulates potassium reabsorption, thereby decreasing urinary potassium excretion and enabling feedback correction of the initiating hypokalemia. Finally, hypokalemia’s stimulation of renal ammonia metabolism and hypokalemia contributes to development of metabolic alkalosis, which can stimulate NaCl reabsorption and thereby contribute to the intravascular volume expansion, increased blood pressure and diuretic resistance that can develop with hypokalemia. In this review, we discuss the evidence supporting these novel non-acid-base roles of renal ammonia metabolism.