Single-atom alloy catalysts combine catalytically active
atoms, present as dopants, with the selectivity of coinage metal hosts.
Determining whether adsorbates stick at the dopant or spill over onto
the host is key to understanding catalytic mechanisms on these materials.
Despite a growing body of work, simple descriptors for the prediction
of spillover energies (SOEs), i.e., the relative stability of an adsorbate
on the dopant versus the host site, are not yet available. Using Density
Functional Theory (DFT) calculations on a large set of adsorbates,
we identify the dopant charge and the SOE of carbon as suitable descriptors.
Combining them into a linear surrogate model, we can reproduce DFT-computed
SOEs within 0.06 eV mean absolute error. More importantly, our work
provides an intuitive theoretical framework, based on the concepts
of electrostatic interactions and covalency, that explains SOE trends
and can guide the rational design of future single-atom alloy catalysts.