This study was founded by the University of Stirling and by the International Marine Centre (IMC), and is part of the Sardinian project "OSTRINNOVA, Valorisation of sustainable production of oysters in the shellfish production system in Sardinia", funded by the Sardinia Region, Det. DG n ° 566 of 27/04/2016. My first thank goes to my Stirling university and International Marine Centre (IMC) supervisors, Stefano Carboni, Trevor Telfer, Maura Baroli and Stefano Guerzoni, for giving me the opportunity to carry out this important step of my life. In particular, I want to thank Stefano Carboni, who brought me into the field of aquaculture research, thanks to whom I first took a master's degree in this field and then increased my skills performing this PhD study. He was a source of motivation and he always gave me great advice on how to handle all the problems encountered during this PhD study. I would like to tanks Alessandro Gorla and Francesca Gargiulli and all the staff of the Compagnia Ostricola Mediterranea in the San Teodoro lagoon, for the hospitality, help and availability during the field work. Alessandro and Francesca, played a very important key role for the good development of this PhD thesis. They have become friends as well as List of figures 8 List of tables 12 List of abbreviations