Comprehensive Summary
Recently, piezocatalysis has attracted considerable attention as a new type of renewable mechanical energy conversion technology, which relies on the strain induced polarization of the piezoelectric material. This new technology has been extensively applied in the applications of water splitting, water remediation, gas purification and tumor therapy. Despite the rapid development in the piezocatalysis, the utilization of piezoelectric materials for synthetic purpose is still under exploration. Piezoelectric means to promote organic reactions expand the scope of piezoelectrically mediated reactions and show successes in both organic and polymer synthesis. Herein, we provide a comprehensive review on recent progress of piezoelectrically mediated reactions, catalytic mechanisms and applications in the last few years. The limitations and future directions of this area are also discussed. We believe this review will provide new insights into the underlying mechanism of piezoelectric mediated electron transfer process and guide the design of new chemistry.