The use of conventional actuators in robotic systems (electric motors in particular), while often offering advantages in terms of flexibility and controllability, suffer from primary actuator failure, due to unexpected complexities in their environment, which can lead to loss of controllability. Conventional actuators can impose disadvantages on mechanical complexity, weight, and cost. Here, the Mixed conventional/braking Actuation Mobile Robot (MAMR), a new mobile robot platform, is proposed to tackle such drawbacks in actuation and explore the use and control of braking actuation. This platform substitutes the drive motors used in Ackermann steering with brakes that have only two states, ON and OFF. Additionally, the conventional drive wheels are replaced by a single, omni-directional wheel that only supports a driving force in the robots longitudinal direction. The ability of braking actuators in providing controllability under actuator failure is one of the primary motivations of this work. To validate the reliability and accuracy of MAMR approach, this paper studies the design of such robotic systems, the design and synthesis of fuzzy logic controllers along with the experimental assessments of these controllers in real-time. The experimental tests point out the controller performance enhancement using fuzzy logic controllers and MAMR.