“…The ability of political information consumers to easily select from among a tremendous variety of sources suggests that citizens have greater control than ever over the number and nature of political information sources they rely on, and thus greater opportunity to selectively expose themselves to attitudinally congruent information exclusively. Research supports this view, showing strong support for selective exposure online (Iyengar and Hahn, 2009;Johnson, Bichard, and Zhang, 2009;Knobloch-Westerwick and Meng, 2009;Stroud, 2007Stroud, , 2008, and an overarching tendency of people to seek out news and political information that supports their preexisting attitudes and beliefs. Moreover, selective exposure behavior is particularly pronounced under conditions of abundant information options (Fischer, Schulz-Hardt, and Frey, 2008), such as the environment of Web-based political information.…”