The goal of this instructional style is to help students become more proficient at the floor exercise roll by using a game-based approach and other forms of media. The purpose of this research is to provide evidence for the efficacy of a model for teaching the fundamentals of the floor exercise roll through the medium of a video game in junior high school. Three subject matter experts and three media specialists evaluated the research and validated the learning model using a set of established criteria. This study is occuring within the product development phase of the Borg and Gall research and development paradigm. A questionnaire was utilised to obtain data for determining the model's accuracy. Descriptive percentages were used to assess the data. The average model validity ratings found in this research show that the material expert validator is 83.33 percent valid and the media expert validator is 89.4 percent valid. The validity score generated by the combination of the three validators is very high quality. Consequently, it is reasonable to infer that the floor exercise roll basic technique learning model based on a game is genuine and can be applied in the context of school-based sports education. Sports educators and curriculum designers can use the favourable feedback from material and media experts to inform the design of more effective learning models for students to become proficient in floor exercises and fundamental rolling technique