Subtalar or peritalar dislocation is the loss of contact between the articular surface of the talus distally and the calcaneum and navicular. In this paper, a case of open medial type of subtalar dislocation associated with fractured posterior facet of the talus in a 27-year-old man with a history of road traffic accident was reported. Immediate wound irrigation and open reduction under general anesthesia at the emergency room operation theater was successful followed by cast immobilization. At one-year follow-up, the patient was walking and carrying out his daily activities with mild restriction of inversion and eversion movements. Extensive wound debridement followed by immediate reduction and, when required, stabilization are the principal features of management. Open subtalar dislocation is an extremely rare injury and often poses a treatment dilemma. Early debridement and open reduction of the dislocation like in our case can give good functional outcome for an open medial subtalar dislocation at one-year follow-up. Temporary stabilization of dislocation in the form of Kirschner wires maybe needed in some cases only.