The introduction: of ultrasound-based, minimally invasive techniques (Endobronchial Ultrasound guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) and Esophageal Ultrasound guided Fine Needle Aspiration) has revolutionized care of patients with lung cancer needing mediastinal lymph node sampling. When combined, the techniques offer safe and accurate assessment of mediastinum, with accuracy surpassing that of the pervious gold standard - cervical mediastinoscopy. EBUS-TBNA can be used for mediastinal restaging in both, patients with suspected recurrence following treatment for primary lung cancer and followingneoadjuvant therapy in preparation for definitive surgical intervention. Both EBUS-TBNA and esophageal ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration techniques have been shown to provide sufficient material for molecular and DNA testing, extending their role beyond initial evaluation of the mediastinum to help direct and personalize medical treatment and predict response to therapy. In the future, assessing sonographic features of lymph nodesmay become useful in predicting nodal metastasis, further increasing the sensitivity of these techniques for detection of metastatic disease.