This research is entitled: Evaluation of the Regional Property Administration Policy of the Riau Islands Province: Case Study on the Administration of Official and Operational Vehicles by the Regional Financial and Asset Agency (BKAD) of the Riau Islands Province. This research is intended to evaluate and analyze the Administration of Regional Property (BMD) in the Riau Islands Provincial Government, especially regarding the Administration of Official Vehicles and Operational Vehicles by the Regional Financial and Asset Agency of the Riau Islands Province. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using William Dunn's theoretical approach (in Rokiah, 2021:12) which explains the concept of policy evaluation into 6 (six) criteria which are also used as indicators in this research, namely: effectiveness; efficiency; adequacy; equality/sameness; responsiveness and determination. The results of the research reveal that the effectiveness of asset inventory is considered to have not been running well, one of the reasons is that there are a number of operational service vehicles brought by former officials even though the people involved have retired. Then there were transfers of positions for employees who brought their operational service vehicles from the old Regional Work Unit (SKPD) to the new SKPD, and there were still vehicles whose physical bodies were not found. From the legal audit efficiency factor, it is also considered that it has not run optimally, because when the asset inventory was carried out there was no orderly administration. However, the adequacy of the asset assessment is considered to be orderly in administration, because the asset assessment process for operational service vehicles is carried out by a third party who is competent in their field. As for the indicator that asset optimization has been running optimally, this was discovered after the Riau Islands Province BKAD carried out physical feasibility on the vehicle. Likewise, the indicator of responsiveness of supervision and control is considered to have run optimally, because supervision is carried out by the Regional Inspectorate of Riau Islands Province as a supervisor and controller of activities in all regional work units.