“…"Mickey" Stunkard, whose research (Stunkard et al, 1986) refuted psychodynamic models of eating behavior and who introduced into the field clinical presentations we now recognized as binge-eating disorder (BED) or night-eating syndrome (Stunkard & Allison, 2003;Stunkard, Grace, & Wolff, 1955). Four inaugural members still serve on our board, enriching the IJED by bringing to their reviewer role a valuable historical perspective and extensive knowledge of the field and, as IJED authors, by expanding our knowledge base (referenced in the following sentence are their most cited publication and their most recent IJED publication): W. Stewart Agras (Kraemer, Wilson, Fairburn, & Agras, 2002;Lock et al, 2016), Katherine Halmi (Halmi, Falk, & Schwartz, 1981;Mahr et al, 2015), Michael Strober (Khalsa et al, 2015;Strober, Freeman, & Morrell, 1997), and Joel Yager (Gwirtsman, Roybyrne, Yager, & Gerner, 1983;Lopez, Yager, & Feinstein, 2010).…”