The present search has focussed on fostering current incidents, analysing challenges the Kolkata fire victims face, and enhancing preparedness for such hazards in the last decade. This paper guides the firefighters to better manage the fire system (F.S.M.) in Greater Kolkata. The 202 fire events from the previous two decades have been analysed in Kolkata. The methodologies involved are collecting secondary data, updating previous records for 2006-2024 from print and electronic media, making time series, and applying statistical methods using EXCEL and S.P.S.S. packages. The demographic study, including hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment (H.V.R.A.) from 2006-2023. It is a part of the investigation. G.I.S./RS with Erdas software is used to picture figures after data acquisition, georeferencing, image processing, and digitalization. The high-risk zones are in the north and south of Kolkata, and the most susceptible areas are slum houses, COVID Health care units, and old shops dealing with chemicals. Discussions focus on enhancing building houses with West Bengal municipal rules and firefighting laws of National Disaster Management Agencies, including updating and well maintaining the equipment and fire tender skills with various provisions stipulated. Suggestions for updating the fire services in Kolkata city considering records are the focus of the arena to satisfy Sustainable Development Goals-2030, such as S.D.G. 7, S.D.G. 9, S.D.G. 11, and S.D.G. 12 indirectly.