Objective. To evaluate the regenerative potential of a bioplastic material (BPM) based on a soluble form of a stabilized extracellular matrix. Materials and methods. Using light and fluorescence microscopy, we assessed the morphometric characteristics of cells, using flow cytometry and commercial kits, we assessed the expression of cell differentiation markers (CD16, CD14). Modeling of severe thermal burns was carried out on laboratory rats, in accordance with ethical principles (principles of "3R": replacement, reduction, refinement) under general anesthesia to reduce stress and pain. Results. BPM is a porous film, the sorption capacity of BPM is 3.5 mg/mg. It was found that when co-incubated with human fibroblasts, BPM does not have a cytotoxic effect. It was revealed that the cultivation of BPM by human peripheral blood monocytes (PBMCh) prevents spontaneous activation of PBMCh into a proinflammatory phenotype. In vivo, it was shown that BPM promotes skin restoration in experimental rats after thermal injury. Conclusion. Wound dressing based on a soluble form of stabilized extracellular matrix inhibits spontaneous activation of monocytes and their differentiation into a proinflammatory phenotype, stimulates the regeneration of tissues damaged by a thermal burn. At the same time, the effectiveness of the biomaterial exceeds therapy using anti-inflammatory ointment.