Endoscopes extend the eyes of the physician into the patient's body. They are widely used in gastrointestinal (GI) diagnostics and minimally invasive surgery. Endoscopes can be classified into 3 types: rigid, flexible, and capsule endoscopes. Rigid and flexible endoscopes are traditionally held and manipulated by the physician to visualize the region of interest, while capsule endoscopes move passively along with the GI peristalsis. With the advancement of technology, robotic endoscopy has been increasingly developed and accepted. In this work, robotic endoscopy from 3 categories (robot-assisted rigid endoscopy, robot-assisted flexible endoscopy, and active GI endoscopy including active flexible colonoscopy and active capsule endoscopy) is reviewed by PubMed search with the criteria (‘Robotics' OR ‘Robot') and (‘Endoscopy' OR ‘Endoscope').