Objectives Medical students are future physicians, and their attitude toward suicide attempters can impact outcome of patient management and quality of care. This study aimed to assess the effects of brief educational intervention on medical students' attitude toward suicide prevention.
Materials and Methods The prospective study was conducted at a tertiary care center in northwestern India. The total enumeration method was employed to recruit 243 medical students. Attitude toward suicide prevention scale was applied before and after three hours’ training on management of suicide attempters and strategies for suicide prevention.
Statistical Analysis Mean, median, standard deviation, frequencies, and percentages were calculated through descriptive statistics. Mean values were compared before and after the intervention through paired sample student's t-test. Chi-square test or Fischer exact test was used to compare categorical variables and p ≤ 0.05 was set for level of significance.
Results Ten out of 14 attitudinal statements were significantly more favorable after imparting brief training on suicide prevention and management of suicide attempters. They reported lesser resentment, more responsible efforts, with greater competence and positive expectation associated with working for suicidal patients. They agreed on the need for multidisciplinary efforts for effective suicide prevention. After the intervention, they considered the possibility of suicidal ideas emerging due to the need for help, not for the purpose of attention-seeking, and instead of considering suicidal communication as individual's choice, they agreed on substantial preventability of suicide with comprehensive management. Their misconceptions were resolved to a greater extent.
Conclusion Brief educational intervention was found effective in improving their attitude toward suicide prevention. The medical curriculum should incorporate regular educational programs, suicide prevention and comprehensive assessment, and management of suicide attempters.