Objective: Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a globally prevalent zoonotic disease. Methods: Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and follow-up data of patients between May 2009 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed by screening data from a hospital automation system. Results: A total of 238 (females, n=139 and males, n=99) patients with a mean age of 40.6±20.58 years were included. Less than half (40.8%) of the patients were living in the countryside. Hepatic involvement of CE was most frequently (72.2%) seen. A majority (75.6%) of the patients were symptomatic, but abdominal pain was the most frequently seen symptom. For diagnosis, in all patients, imaging modalities were used, while in 66% of the patients, serological methods were also employed. The patients received both medical and surgical treatments (78.5%, n=187), only surgical treatment (10.5%, n=25), or only medical treatment (8.8%, n=21). Surgical treatment was performed for patients with hepatic (n=139/176, 80.6%), pulmonary (n=78/94, 82.9%), splenic (n=7/9; 77.7%), and mesenteric (n=6/7, 85.1%) cysts, and patients cases with brain, bone, muscle, omentum, bladder, and adrenal cysts had undergone surgical intervention. Conclusion: Publication of regional data is important in terms of epidemiological considerations and may aid in the formulation of standard treatment approaches. En sık tutulan organ karaciğer (%72,2) idi. Hastaların %75,6'sı semptomatik olup en sık görülen semptom karın ağrısı idi. Tanıda tüm hastalarda görüntüleme yöntemine başvurulurken, %66' sında serolojik yöntem de kullanılmıştı. Hastaların % 78,5'i (n=187) hem medikal hem cerrahi tedavi, %10,5'i (n=25) yalnız cerrahi tedavi, %8,8'i (n=21) ise yalnız medikal tedavi almıştı. Karaciğer tutulumu saptanan 173 hastanın %80,6'sına (n=139), akciğer tutulumu saptanan 94 hastanın %82,9'una (n=78), dalakta tutulum saptanan 9 hastanın %77,7' sine (n=7), mesenterde kist saptanan 7 hastanın %85,1'ine (n=6); beyin, kemik, kas, omentum, mesane ve sürrenalde kist saptananların ise tümüne cerrahi uygulandığı tespit edildi. Sonuç: Bölgesel verilerin yayınlanması, epidemiyolojik açıdan önem taşıdığı gibi standart tedavi algoritmalarının oluşturulmasına yardımcı olabilir.