Abstract-Biometrics technology already becomes one of many application needs for identification. Every organ in the human body might be used as an identification unit because they tend to be unique characteristics. Many researchers had their focus on human organ biometrics physical characteristics such as fingerprint, human face, palm print, eye iris, DNA, and even behavioral characteristics such as a way of talk, voice and gait walking. Human Gait as the recognition object is the famous biometrics system recently. One of the important advantage in this recognition compare to other is it does not require observed subject's attention and assistance. This paper proposed Gender classification using Human Gait video data. There are many human gait datasets created within the last 10 years. Some databases that widely used are University of South Florida (USF) Gait Dataset, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) Gait Dataset, and Southampton University (SOTON) Gait Dataset. This paper classifies human gender in Spatial Temporal reasoning using CASIA Gait Database. Using Support Vector Machine as a Classifier, the classification result is 97.63% accuracy.