Background: Physical activity is a positive component of human health. Its effects are associated with improvement in physical, psychological and social aspects of quality of life. Physical activity is therefore an important factor in the rehabilitation of amputees. Objective: To analyse the relationship between physical activity and quality of life for amputees in southern Brazil. Study Design: Descriptive, cross-sectional design with nonrandomized sample. Methods: A total of 40 questionnaire instruments were distributed to subjects who met the inclusion criteria, with a response rate of 55% (22 individuals, n = 15 males, n = 7 females). Outcome measurements were obtained through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref. Results: The sample was characterized by physically active adult male prosthetic users with positive quality of life, and amputation below the right knee caused by mechanical trauma related to traffic accidents with motorcycles. Significant correlations were identified between all domains of quality of life and between level of physical activity and psychological quality of life. No correlation was identified between gender and quality of life variables or physical activity levels. Conclusions: This study showed that in very active amputees of both genders, level of physical activity is not associated with quality of life except for the psychological domain.
Clinical relevanceThis paper contributes to understanding of the importance of physical activity for the quality of life of amputees, principally of active individuals with lower limb amputations. It provides evidence for the relevance of physical mobility in the process amputee rehabilitation, mainly for psychological domain of quality of life.