A dengue é considerada como uma das mais importantes arbovirose que afeta o homem e constitui um sério problema de saúde pública no mundo, especialmente nos países tropicais, onde as condições ambientais principalmente a temperatura, a precipitação, além da umidade relativa, velocidade do vento,
Monitoramento do mosquito
ABSTRACTTDengue is one of the most important arboviruses affecting man and is a serious health problem in tropical areas where climatic conditions are favorable for occurrences of foci of Aedes aegypti. Oviposition traps with added hay infusion were installed at 19 points on the campus of the Federal University of Mato Grosso with the objective of investigating the monthly levels of infestation with the dengue vector and the influence of abiotic factors. The results obtained were compared with the following monthly abiotic data: temperature, relative air humidity and precipitation; and with the number of days for which the traps remained in the field. Rain was the only abiotic factor that influenced the level of infestation of the dengue vector at this location. There were significant differences between the quantities of Aedes aegypti eggs found at different sites within the same study area. The numbers of eggs found at each site over the year did not follow a single distribution pattern.